Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Don't forget that just because you may be a better debater than someone doesn't mean you're right or that you have the only answer. If the person you're debating with didn't make the arguments they could have to defend their stance, it still means that those arguments exist and could have been made. They could have just as easily put you on the defensive.

That's what bugs me about politics. People way in to politics always think they're the right ones and that the other guys have it all wrong. They may be great at debating, but if one candidate is way better at debating that the other, it probably means the strengths of the weaker candidates' position are not getting fairly represented for people to see the whole story.

If anything, debates serve to show the overall intelligence of the people debating, and you would obviously want to choose the more intelligent candidate. I just think it's sad when people watch debates and don't keep an open mind, but rather look for "their candidate" to roast the other guy with rhetoric.

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