Saturday, November 13, 2010

Gospel Doctrine

I'm thinking maybe it's time I start going to the gospel doctrine classes at church instead of the relationships classes.

In this ward, it seems like every time I go to the relationships class, I just get frustrated with the attitude of the girls and even the teachers.

Every time it's the same thing: guys are the dumbest, least competent doofuses who have no idea what they're doing when it comes to dating and need to go to classes like these so that girls (and the teachers) can rag on them until they get it through their thick skulls.

Apparently we're completely incompetent when it comes to dating etiquette, aren't quick enough to recognize when a girl is interested, and need to brush away the sawdust in our brains long enough to be presentable and likable on a date.

I couldn't tell you how many times the teachers have asked "now guys... is it okay to ask a girl out through a text message, email, or Facebook?" and actually wait for an answer, obnoxiously. It almost makes me even more frustrated that some guys answer the question, sounding as if they're trying to convince everyone that they've "learned their lesson." And it just makes me roll my eyes.

Bologne. I want to feel the spirit and actually learn something in my sunday school classes. And relationships class (at least in this ward) is not where that is going to happen.

1 comment:

  1. Bob, you're pretty good at dating/dating etiquette. Some guys aren't. Some girls aren't. In church (in general), I think there is a tendency to rag on men, and to bolster up women. Maybe this makes sense... society puts a lot much pressure on women to be perfect, and in many ways makes allowances for men. However, there are plenty of societal pressures on men to be a certain way, so maybe not. But, you know, keep things in perspective. And I love Gospel Doctrine.
