Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Double Standard-22

Oh my.

I love how people create their own ideas of "normal" and then virally expect others to obey them. And by "love" I mean "thinks it's funny how." As if this expectation weren't ridiculous enough, people then go about making exceptions to every rule and expect everyone to obey.

Political. The concept of double standards has been brewing in my head for quite some time, but today it was spurred by the elections. The most recent anti-Obama video I watched must have pushed my double standard-o-meter to overflowing levels, forcing me to sop up the remainder with this new blog acting as my electronic Bounty paper towels.

In politics, I adhere to the "moderation in all things" philosophy. I'll admit to being a fence sitter. I can see the benefit to both right and left thinking, and honestly I believe the country will survive either way. I do NOT appreciate fanaticism that ridicules someone who thinks differently. All democrats are uneducated liberal kooks who don't know reality? Obviously you've never met my mother. Bashing President Bush's policies? By all means, you do a better job! The fact is we've made the President's job an impossible job to accomplish by abdicating all personal responsibility to the government anyway.

That was my digression. I was thinking specifically about the double standard between Clinton and McCain. How come Clinton is ostracized for extra-marital affairs whereas John McCain's affair is shoved under the carpet? I don't think they should be overlooked- I think both are acts unbecoming of someone I want to govern my homeland. I guess I just feel like I need to level playing fields sometimes, especially when all I get from people around here is anti-Obama stuff. I don't really trust Obama or McCain. I'm just sayin'.

Less Political. There are so many double standards between guys and girls! Guys can't call a girl hot. That's chauvinistic. Somehow, at the same time, girls can't put emphasis on a guys looks, but girls have to do everything they can to look as attractive as possible.

A strange thought: girls can wear guys clothes, guys can't wear girls clothes. Again, I don't want to. I'm just sayin'.

There's so many more. I just can't stay focused. I'm going to an elections party or two.

1 comment:

  1. You're grand. Double standards are fun. It's the same thing with comedy, i think. Guys can make jokes that girls can't, girls can make some jokes guys can't. Same with racism. I think racism is the double-standard that gets me the most heated... i think i'll need some o' them Bounty Paper towels if i start thinking about it too hard...
