Monday, November 10, 2008

Hollow Voice

I don't want anyone to think of this of this as a practice in self-pity; I only mean for it to be an interesting observation. It's nothing I'm really upset about at all.

I've noticed in the past few months that there's something about my voice (or maybe my personality) that doesn't get noticed very easily. I could be talking to someone in the room and for some reason they can't hear me.

I've also noticed that when I'm talking to someone (or telling a story), people lose focus really easily. Like they just start talking to someone else in the room or even start talking to me about something completely unrelated that they were thinking about while I was talking. I bet part of it is due to the fact that I'm not naturally very good at telling stories though.

Maybe I should practice speaking in a lower voice, since mine is naturally pretty high-pitched. It'd be interesting to do some kind of personal study testing people's attention levels with my regular voice, then again with my voice lowered by a few steps. Of course I've thought of about a thousand "interesting studies" I've wanted to do, and ended up doing none of them. I should start writing them down and using them as ideas of things to do when I'm bored! Then again, that is another one of my ideas that I think would be good, and then never put into practice.

An idea I can put into practice: I think soon I'll write a blog post that is in stream-of-consciousness form. It might take a few practice runs before I can actually write something in stream-of-consciousness, but I guess I'll see...

Until then, I'm going to go make myself unconscious. G'night!


  1. I'm so sorry if I've done that...Being as distract-able as i am is one of my greatest trials, and i seriously apologize. I know you said it's not a self-pity blog but's kind of rude.


    And for what it's worth, i think you're a dandy story teller!

  2. I know I'm guilty of that. But don't feel bad -- I do it to everybody. Sometimes I'll be totally dialed in and then my attention will start wandering around the room like a kitten, nudging into people until it finds something momentarily appealing to scratch against. No way to control it that I'm aware of.
