Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm sorry, but...

1. "Separation of church and state," I believe, is very much NOT the same thing as "separation of religion/religious values and The United States of America." Check your context and stop taking everything so literally, people.

2. Even if "separation of church and state" DID mean a separation of religious values and the U.S., it cannot be used as an argument against Prop 8!;If you want so desperately to separate church and state, how can you argue that a church-instituted ceremony like marriage must necessarily be allowed to those not affiliated with the church? They're separate, remember? Keep church things in the church, right? I guess only when it's convenient? To me it's like saying that it is wrong to only allow baptism to those who believe in the church they are being baptized into. Or only allowing worthy LDS members to enter the temple.

3. Something is seriously wrong when the opinion of one person can overturn the majority opinion of millions of people. This whole overturning decisions thing is also the very reason things happened in my family the way they did, and why people I know are in prison for things they didn't do because a judge somewhere with little experience in the case based a single-blow K.O. decision on unsubstantiated evidence.

Here's a Washington Post opinion article about it

K, it's out of my system now. Time to go boating.

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