Friday, September 3, 2010

Maybe I just don't have any thoughts?

Sometimes I go through spurts of blogging when I feel like I can be very analytical and smart about things. Then I don't type anything for a long time. Maybe I just don't have any worthwhile observations in those times?

Well here's a blog entry to break up the break from blogging.

If you haven't watched this family's vlog, you absolutely need to! Shaycarl is soooo funny and such a good guy, and he kinda makes me want to start a family! Today's vlog isn't the best example, although he does make good points. Check out some of his more recent posts too.

I was just reading some of my older blog posts and I like 'em! It's a great way to record the thoughts I've had before because I've totally forgotten about a lot of them. I was smart back then!

I'm going to try to keep these shorter so people will actually read them. So that's all for today!

1 comment:

  1. You are smart always.

    But i feel the same way. Blog drought, I like to call it.
