Saturday, May 22, 2010

I'm hungry

Here's another exercise in stream of consciousness writing. It can be a good way to get thoughts out of my head and onto a place where I can read them. Unfortunately I can't really go back and change what I wrote because, well, that would completely defeat the purpose. (Except for spelling mistakes, since for whatever reason I temporarily forgot how to spell "purpose")

I had my first tennis match today for the spring intramurals tennis tournament. It went well enough, since I won. I had a few good plays in there, and for the most part my serves were consistent. But it wasn't as glorious a win since the guy I was playing was simply having a bad game. He seemed like he had the technical aspects down well, but just was making a ton of unforced errors. Too bad.

I just watched the Count of Monte Cristo again for the first time in many years. (Saying many years makes me think of a British person from the 1800's. Maybe because I just watched the Count of Monte Cristo...?) What a great movie! I almost can't help but wonder, though, if what Edmund was accomplishing through his revengeful schemes wasn't simply enacting justice. I mean, everything that happened to those he got revenge on was just (I think). So maybe the key difference between spiteful revenge and just revenge is the motivation? Or can there not be such a thing as just revenge? Or maybe, as the movie seemed to be saying, only God can really deal out justice. What patience!

K, I don't want to make this too long since no one will probably want to read it anyway. I'm just tired and hungry and think I'll go to bed so I can be rested for my tennis matches tomorrow. (Er, later today. Ugh.)

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