Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Somber: dark or dull in color or tone; gloomy.

I'm in one of those moods today. It's been like one of those constant, "everyone else is doing something either productive or fun, and I'm at home doing nothing productive nor fun." It got better once we had our intramural games in the evening, but seriously once I got back from my internship (I spent most of the time social bookmarking. Oh boy.) I had NOTHING to do.

Strike that, I had stuff I could have done, but decided not to. I wonder if, subconsciously, I just wanted to be able to complain about it later. I like to think of myself as a glass-half-full kind of person, but I guess something I prefer to see the half-empty side of things and fill up the other half with social interactions.

You know how sometimes you like to just be alone? I don't get that feeling very often.

On a few positive notes, I'm almost done with The Magician's Nephew, and we won our Ultimate game, despite being one man down the whole time! We actually started with only 5 players, so they dropped a player to make it slightly more even, but once we scored twice in a row they decided we didn't deserve that luxury. Fortunately someone else came to make it 6 on 7, and we still won 12-7. Booya!

Anyway, did anyone actually read this? Leave a comment if you did :-)


  1. I actually read this at 2:48 am as a break from my health project.
    P.S. we kicked butt at ultimate.
    P.P.S. I'm so tired... I am so glass half-empty right now.

  2. I read this :)

    And I totally get that feeling. Sometimes I just feel like a loner.

    And then sometimes I actually like just being alone.


  3. i swear, everyone i know secretly plays ultimate frisbee. glad you won! :)
