Friday, June 26, 2009

I did it!

I just added labels to all my past blog posts. You know how when you've got nothing to do, you finally get around to doing those things you've always meant to do, but never had time? Yeah, that's what today has been. I was going to go running, but instead I updated my blog and blogger profile...

While I'm here, I had a thought when I went to the airport a few weeks ago. We were sitting in the park & wait and I was noticing just how many people were there waiting for people they cared about to pick them up. I mean, going to the airport in the kind of weather that day is not a pleasant experience, but clearly it would be more pleasant to get to see/help out the friend or loved one that had been gone. It was touching in all of its "Love, Actually" manner. (I was looking for a good YouTube video to post here of the Love, Actually intro, but I could only find this. Please ignore the 80's quality music and the Arabic (Farsi? Elvish?) subtitles. Oh and at 1:00 you can just stop watching altogether cause then it cuts to the end and kinda ruins the mood.)


  1. Thanks for picking us up Bob.
    We appreciate it so much I have
    decided to refer to you as Bob and
    not Boob.
