Friday, June 12, 2009

We're not as dumb as we want people to believe we are

Every time I hear someone say something along the lines of "he/she is just so dense, they don't pick up on all the signals I've been sending," I think "what's probably happening is that he/she isn't interested in you and they chose the 'ignore the problem until it goes away' approach." Men are particularly good at doing this.

I think I do a pretty good job at picking up on signals. I often just don't want to act on it / am too indecisive to know whether or not I want to act on it or not.


  1. Amen, brother. And by brother I mean roommate.

    I think something that can also happen (though I think less frequently than what the feigned ignorance approach you described) is those who say "why don't they pick up on all the signals I've been sending" aren't really sending clear signals...their "signals" are like saying "hi" to them every day and asking how their math class is. Not really very clear signals at all, more like just being friendly. Friendly should not be a signal.

  2. I agree with you Bobert! :]

    This is why I liked that movie "He is just not that into you." BECAUSE...if a guy is not asking a girl out on dates, then he is not interested. Girls should not waste their time over analyzing the situation or complaining about whether or not he is getting the signals. Boys are NOT as stupid as girls like to say they are. I think that they just don't want to accept or admit that the guy they are "sending signals" to is not interested in THEM. Rejection does hurt. I should know. :]

  3. You know, I was thinking about this topic about signals the other day while driving home from work.

    There have been some girls from years past that tried to send me "signals" through mass-media. Two used a song to try and woo me. Too bad one was in spanish and I didn't speak it at the time.

    Another used a movie to try and tell me that she was angry at me. (How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days).

    Of course, I never picked up on it (which angered them) because I don't listen to music and watch movies to pick up on vague references of love or hate.

    Long story short, I think that the signals girls send guys and vice versa is like trying to speak Italian to a Swede, and then calling them stupid when they don't understand you. You've got to be speaking the same language.

    PS. I still want to see that movie ("He's just not...") just to see what everybody is talking about...
