Wednesday, April 21, 2010

After today!

Matt, this one's for you. Well actually just the title.

Four presentations and 2 books down. Just 1 1/2 more short (easy) essays and 225 papers to grade. At least that's what I keep telling myself. Really, even after I grade the papers I have to spend hours putting them all into excel and making sure everyone's grade is right, and ranking the speakers by how much the students liked them.

But I get paid to do all that, so it's not like it's the worst thing in the world.

Except not about a girl. More the whole finishing the year of school thing.

UPDATE: Essays are done, so I'm officially done with classes this semester! The 225 papers and everything else with work remain. For now...

1 comment:

  1. This is Bob commenting on my own blog. I'm at LeadGenix doing intern stuff, and we're pretty much just reading blogs about things that interest us, and then leaving real comments as the client.
