Thursday, September 30, 2010

Great Blog Post

I'm not talking about my own. I'm not that self-absorbed.

You should all read this. It's about taking smart risks. I really like #1: Long-term regrets are usually about not taking more risks. I've heard this from more than one person older than me.

Today went by WAY faster than each of the past 2 days. It was still way fun though. I started by going to Central Park right by the Guggenheim and just relaxing for a little while. Then a few people met me there, we hung out, and went to an AdWeek presentation. Then we played around some more until we got to visit mcgarrybowen. They were a way cool agency, and Mr. Bowen himself called to Patsy's Pizza and bought us all dinner. (After tip, it came out to $650!)

Right across the street, as it turned out, was the movie premier for The Social Network. It was a lot smaller than I thought it would be, but that may be because it isn't the most highly anticipated movie. Apparently I missed seeing Justin Timberlake showing up though, which was too bad, but I did get a few pictures of the lead actor Jesse Eisenberg who plays Mark Zuckerberg, and I'm willing to bet that Mark Zuckerberg was there too. So many -bergs in that sentence.

Had a great conversation with another Ad student about Copywriting vs. Planning. (Unbeknownst to most, I've been considering applying for the creative track as a Copywriter, which would put me at BYU for another year... General consensus right now is that I don't want to do it.)

Staten Island Ferry --> Staten Island. Turn around, repeat. (Back to Manhattan, of course.) Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and re-learning about ANGEL ISLAND. (No one I was with believed me there was an Ellis Island equivalent on the west coast. Cue the "I was right and you were wrong" blog label! :-)

A great walk/sit in Battery park with some great friends, a gentlemanly trip (if I do say so myself) to Wall Street, back to the loft to get the computer to write and turn in a Book of Mormon assignment, and currently at McDonald's at 2am.

Woah it's 2am. Time to go. G'night!

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